RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) is very powerful if
someone gets hands on some of the best RSS Feeds. Now this can help
grab you all the latest contents from the RSS Webpage and give you a
brief information really in a faster way.
Now we
have RSS Feeds for Blogger like we have for HackingUniversity it’s a
Feedburner Feed :
now if you will simply click the above one you can all out
posts really easily.
So now the question is how
to Generate RSS Feed for YouTube Videos, well here is something you will
really love check below .:
If you type
, YouTube will pull all the videos tagged with Technology and gives you
a hole bunch of list of videos which you can view and enjoy.

Now if you wanna add two words than
simply make your URL like below .:
So you get the idea now you can browse the Secret
YouTube RSS to access your favorite videos easily.