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How to Post Blank Status Message in Facebook

Hey guys we are back with another awesome trick and update for Facebook earlier we posted many tricks you can have a look on all those trick by viewing Facebook Category, now today we are posting an amazing trick to post blank status updates on Facebook.

So what I mean by blank status update is something like below .:

So already you can see what an awesome status I just posted blank status with some blank comments, will simply attract many of your friends to comment and like and ask what’s this bullshit is, Hahaha…

Follow the below steps to see how it works .:

1. Go to and Sign In.
2. After you Sign In, click in the blank area to write the status update.
3. Now simply hold Alt and type 0173 and then release the button and click on post update
4. That’s it now you will see your status with just your name and a like and comment option like above in the image.
5. So now you can also comment on your status by again Holding Alt and typing 0173.
So now simply post some blank status updates and comment on your friends status really amazing, so enjoy and if you like this please share this with all your friends.

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