While surfing over the internet you might have faced various problems such as slow speed and loading problems. Such problems occurs due to the browser's compatibility. Your internet browsing is totally depended on your Web browser.
Daily web users need a web browser that is both fast and secure. Many of the web browser claims that they offers better service than other web browsers. Simplicity, speed and security are the most important factors while choosing an internet browser.
According to Wikipedia
A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content.Well, Today While checking my blog's stats I come over a conclusion that Firefox is the most widely used browser all over the world. Blogsopt is one of the widely used web service all over the world by bloggers, its Alexa rank is below 100. So off-course it is gaining huge traffic daily.
While checking my blogs page views according to browser I found that 35% of people visited my blog using Firefox while 23% people used Google Chrome and 18 % people were using Safari Web browser and Internet Explorer was at fifth position with over 10% visitors. So, 86% of my blog visitors use the Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer Web browser. And rest of 14% visitors uses another browsers such as Opera, Maxthon, Rockmelt and Netfront etc. This may vary according the visits by different countries.
If you are a blogger and want to check which browser is being widely used by your visitors then just login to your blogger dashboard and navigate to Stats >> Audience and then look for the table named as "Pageviews by Browsers" here you will get to know which browser is being widely used by your site visitors.
Check the below pie diagram for more info :
So, as shown in above image you can determine that which are the top and most used 5 browser, they are :
1.Mozilla firefox
2.Google Chrome
4.Internet Explorer