Counter-strike still has many hardcore fans even if more than a dozen
years has passed after its first release.The gaming development
valve corporation is now planning to release the new version of
Counter-strike, named Counter-strike : Global Offensive.
After the successfull response from our readers for the post : Project IGI I'm going in Trainer.
Here's the screenshots and trailer of the New IGI game called global offensive. Enjoy !
After the successfull response from our readers for the post : Project IGI I'm going in Trainer.
Here's the screenshots and trailer of the New IGI game called global offensive. Enjoy !
In its bid to arise excitement around what promises to be a massive
update and please the fans , the company has relased a trailer and some
screen-captures of the new version.Also, the beta version is set to be
launched in early october.The complete version is scheduled to be
released in first quarter of 2012 on the PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and
Playstation 3.
Watch the Trailer Here :
Watch the Trailer Here :
Ahead of the game’s showing at Penny Arcade Expo Prime this weekend, valve released more details on the game to Kotaku. The game is set to have a list of new weapons – Decoy Grenade, Molotov, IMI Negev, Taser, Tec-9, Mag-7, Sawed-Off and PP-Bizon.It will have five maps for Bomb/Defuse mode and two maps for the other classic franchise mode, Hostage Rescue.
All these
seven maps(dust, dust2, aztec, nuke, inferno, italy and office) are
based on game’s already popular old versions maps (Counter-strike 1.6
and CS:Source maps).
The new version will have a ‘Casual’ mode for newcomers so that they can
learn the tricks of the game easily. In casual mode, weapons and items
will not cost money. You can voice chat with every player on the server
irrespective of their team and watch the game of other players from
either team after dying.
Valve will host the name game its own servers. But fans are still free
to host theirs.But on the Valve servers, PS3, Mac and PC players will be
match-made against each other, clumped by skill, regardless of input
device or platform. For matchmaking, Valve will use a system called
ELO(already being used in other famous games).
Screenshots released by Valve